Celebrating Exemplary South African Men
On Friday 23rd November 2012, the spotlight will shine on 54 men from across the country identified by their communities as positive role models making a difference in their communities. Brothers for Life in partnership with South African National Aids Council (SANAC) Men’s Sector and SABC Education will celebrate these everyday heroes at Birchwood Hotel in Johannesburg.
This event, which coincides with International Men’s Day, is one of many championed by USAID/PEPFAR, Johns Hopkins Health and Education in South Africa (JHHESA), Sonke Gender Justice, UNICEF,the Interdepartmental Team on Gender Based Violence (IDMT), and over 100 organisations that support and promote positive male behaviours.
Minister of Women, Children and Persons with Disabilities Hon Lulu Xingwana and representatives from government, SANAC,USAID, private sector and PEPFAR will be among guests celebrating these South African heroes.
The media is invited to attend:
Date: Friday 23 November 2022
Venue: Birchwood Hotel
Time: 18h30 for 19h00
RSVP: Zanenza Communications
Media Contacts: Sisanda
Phone: 011 886 3775
Cell: 076 319 1285